Dollar Crash Impact on our post-pandemic economy.
Are we on the road to becoming a Banana Republic?
Awash in paper – trillions in Government Debt, that and a heavy mountain of a Fed Balance Sheet?!
At the moment, I guess we have no choice; perhaps no rational thinking will be possible to support the economy and avert a crash. So generally, the Fed and the Government have adopted the Helicopter money approach.
The Fed Governor can be seen in his batman suit, riding a helicopter and flooding the streets and backyards with American dollars……. and some are transported to the US Government which comes back to the people as checks personally signed by the President.
Are they overdoing this as an election year largesse? Congress is also creating its large stimulus, it feels like the currency rain is on steroids to grease the voters!
Stephen Roach predicts the US dollar may drop about 35% – weakened dollar may result in a variety of outcomes.
You have to hide in real assets – Gold, Land, Real Estate, Commodities, Minerals.
If the economy does not pick up, are we heading back to the hyper-inflation memories of the 1970s?
A dollar crash is virtually inevitable, Asia expert Stephen Roach warns on CNBC…
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